Warrior's Cave, Eagle's Nest, Hawkshead, Warrior's Pass & Upper Mushroom Rock
See the description for Lower Mushroom Rock for more detail on the social trail (located at GPS 34.925386 -111.858197) that provides access to this area. The locations described below are a continuation of that hike.
After checking out the view from Lower Mushroom Rock, you can go through “The Halfpipe” section (shown below) to visit three Sinagua cliff dwellings known as Warrior's Cave, Eagle's Nest and Hawkshead. You can also visit Upper Mushroom Rock on this route, or go through Warrior's Pass to make a loop hike back to the parking area. See both maps at the bottom of the page for full detail.

The Warrior's Cave Cliff Dwelling
Warrior's Cave (shown in the photos below) will be visible on the left as you start to climb the steep slope out of the Halfpipe up to the next level. It's in the rock wall facing me in upper the left corner of the photo above.
Warrior's Cave (shown in the photos below) will be visible on the left as you start to climb the steep slope out of the Halfpipe up to the next level. It's in the rock wall facing me in upper the left corner of the photo above.
Look for a side trail heading in that direction about 2/3 of the way up the slope beyond the Halfpipe. The hiker below has just turned onto the established social trail that leads to Warrior's Cave.

The photo below shows the narrow section of trail above the Halfpipe and the left turn to Warrior's Cave. It only takes a moment to include this amazing little side trip.

The main room at Warrior's Cave is almost square. There is another room behind it. In the second photo below I'm holding my hand close to the wall (without touching it) to show my hiking companion some fingerprints that were left behind when mud was added to the exterior. To me this site looks like it probably had some reconstruction work done sometime in the last 100 years or so.
The humble little collection of pot sherds visible in the first photo are all that is left of the people who once called this place home. Leave them here for others to see, just as those who came before left them for you.

The Eagle's Nest & Hawkshead Cliff Dwellings

Returning to the trail continue above the Halfpipe (see maps below) and look for a fork to the left heading toward the clearly visible alcoves above you. This is the starting point for the Eagles Nest, Upper Mushroom and Warrior's Pass. From this point on the routes described will mostly be crossing open rock, so there won’t be a visible trail.
The easiest route to the Eagle's Nest is to work your way into the drainage to the left (shown below. The green vegetation growing there is a clear indicator that this route is safe and passable for hikers. You'll find a visible trail again for a short distance until you reach the next ledge. See the photo of Warrior's Pass below and notice the green slope above the Warrior's Cave. This is the drainage that provides easy access to the alcoves above. The Eagle's nest is visible in the photo below, where the shadow meets the sunlight (upper left).

The final obstacle will be a boulder field just below the alcoves. Not all of the rocks in the boulder field are stable, so choose wisely. At the top of the boulder field the ledge to the left (Eagle's Nest) contains a ruin with original roof beams still in place. The larger alcove to the right (Hawkshead) is more difficult to enter but it can be done if you are not afraid of heights.
The Warrior's Pass Loop
Coming back down from the Eagle's Nest to the top of the Halfpipe, there is a social trail that breaks to the left and continues up this side canyon to a saddle between Boynton Canyon and Long Canyon. We call this Warrior's Pass, and it can be used to return to the parking area via Long Canyon and the Deadman's Pass Trail, creating one to most scenic loop hikes in Sedona.
In fact, the panoramic view from at the top of the pass ranks as one of my "Top 10" in Sedona. Unfortunately, I've only been there once and the light wasn't great, so I don't have a photo to show you. Returning to capture the scene is at the top of my bucket list.
It is approximately 1 mile from the floor of Boynton Canyon to the top of Warrior’s pass. The hike down from the pass into Long Canyon is about the same distance.
Warrior's Pass is shown in the photo below. The "Eagle" in Eagle's Nest refers to the shape of the pass itself (see photo below) which resembles a bird of prey coming in for the kill. With wings spread and talons extended, the head sticks up in the very middle of the pass. The wings make up either side of the pass. The Halfpipe is in the shadow nearest the camera -- on the left side of the Eagle's Claws -- which are pointed right at the camera as the "Eagle" swoops in. You might think of this view as the last thing an ill-fated rabbit would see.
The Warrior's Cave is in the flat wall facing the camera, right under the Eagle's left wing. The Eagles Nest is on the ledge in the upper left of the photo. Between the two is the ledge to Upper Mushroom Rock. This photo was made from the top of Lower Mushroom Rock. Directly behind (and 200 feet below) the photographer is the Boynton Canyon system trail. The route from the system trail to Lower Mushroom comes up to the saddle -- between the photographer and the Eagle's talons -- from the right side.

Upper Mushroom Rock

This is easily one of the most photogenic and least photographed rock formations in Sedona! There would be a lot more photos except that most people simply don't know where it is. I've included it on this page because it's so close to all the other places described. Most hikers won't do them all in just one trip, but every hiker will do some combination of them.
To reach Upper Mushroom start from the top of the Halfpipe section described above. From there turn left like you are going up to the Eagle's Nest, but instead of climbing up the drainage, stay on this wide ledge and follow it "around the corner" to another drainage. THIS drainage provides access to the top of the cliff ABOVE the Eagle's Nest.
Here the route is crosses open slickrock with no clear trail (shown below), AND you'll have to find your way through some ledges along the way. It isn't difficult for experienced hikers. Just keep following the bottom of the cliff on your right, working your way toward the point of rock where you "turn the corner," taking an obvious right into the drainage.
It's probably more difficult to return through the ledges and find your way back down to the Halfpipe and the system trail again. Take careful note of the route on your way up.

As soon as you turn the corner you will be looking up at Upper Mushroom Rock (shown below).

There are two routes up the drainage, which is choked with thick brush. They hug the bottom of the cliff on either side. The photo below is looking down this narrow passage, with Mushroom Rock directly behind the photographer.

The hiker in the photo below has just turned the corner and is heading up the left side of the drainage.

The social trail on the right side of the drainage (shown below) is the easier route.

The view from the top of Upper Mushroom Rock (shown below) might make you dizzy! This is looking back down the drainage we used to come up. Once on top you can explore quite a bit.

Easy for Warrior's Cave
Difficult for the other locations due to steep climbs and route finding
Difficult for the other locations due to steep climbs and route finding
4 miles out and back to Eagle's Nest
5.3 miles around the Warrior's Pass Loop
5 miles out and back to Mushroom Rock
4 miles out and back to Eagle's Nest
5.3 miles around the Warrior's Pass Loop
5 miles out and back to Mushroom Rock
700 ft for the Eagle's Nest
1880 ft for the Warrior's Pass Loop
1,000 ft for Upper Mushroom Rock
700 ft for the Eagle's Nest
1880 ft for the Warrior's Pass Loop
1,000 ft for Upper Mushroom Rock
3-4 hours round trip for Eagle's Nest
4-5 hours round trip for the Warrior's Pass Loop
4-5 hours roundtrip for Upper Mushroom Rock
3-4 hours round trip for Eagle's Nest
4-5 hours round trip for the Warrior's Pass Loop
4-5 hours roundtrip for Upper Mushroom Rock
Sept - May
Sept - May