Devil's Bridge
Devil's Bridge is a system trail in the Coconino National Forest, designated as Trail #120. One of the most popular trails in Sedona, Devil's Bridge is well marked with signs and easy to follow.

Despite the popularity of this trail, the lighting is normally horrible due to the shadow of Thunder Mountain, which causes high contrast (shown above).
The formation is actually an arch and not a bridge, meaning that it does not span a stream or river. At 54 feet high, 45 feet long and 5 feet wide, this arch formed in the Schnebly Hill Formation and is the largest of its kind in the Sedona area. Devil’s Bridge is so popular there is often a line of people waiting to have their photo made on the arch.
If you have access to a 4x4 you can drive 1.3 miles down FR 152 and park at the Devil’s Bridge trailhead. Starting from here the official trail is 2 miles roundtrip, with a 400 ft elevation gain, and you should allow about 2 hours. At .75 miles the trail forks, with the left fork going beneath the arch and the right one ascending to the top.
Devil’s Bridge from Dry Creek Vista
Rated: moderate
Distance: 4.2 miles out and back
Elevation gain: 570 ft
Allow: 3.5 hrs
Elevation gain: 570 ft
Allow: 3.5 hrs
If you do not have access to a high clearance 4x4 you can park in the paved lot at the beginning of FR 152 and walk from there. Many visitors simply walk right up the road. There is heavy traffic on the road from jeep tours, so if you do not want to eat that dust it is much better to hike up the Dry Creek Trail. It runs parallel to the road and is slightly longer, but much more pleasant.

Devil’s Bridge from Long Canyon Road
Rated: moderate
Distance: 4.2 miles out and back
Elevation gain: 570 ft
Allow: 3.5 hrs
Distance: 4.2 miles out and back
Elevation gain: 570 ft
Allow: 3.5 hrs
Of the two parking areas on Long Canyon Road, the Mescal Connector offers the shorter route. To reach this trailhead continue north on Dry Creek Road to the stop sign, turn right and go another .2 miles. For those without a 4x4 this is the preferred route.
Of the two parking areas on Long Canyon Road, the Mescal Connector offers the shorter route. To reach this trailhead continue north on Dry Creek Road to the stop sign, turn right and go another .2 miles. For those without a 4x4 this is the preferred route.
Visitors can also take the Chuckwagon Trail from the Long Canyon parking area, but it takes a more winding route to reach Devil’s Bridge. If your starting point is the Mescal Connector the hike is 5.6 miles roundtrip and about the same elevation gain as Dry Creek Vista. Allow about 3 hours.
Beyond Devil’s Bridge there are three more parking areas on FR 152C. This is where the wilderness vibe really starts to kick in. It also contains a significant cluster of archaeological sites.
Hikers heading for Devil's Bridge have five choices of places to park. My preferred route would be from one of the parking areas on Long Canyon Road. Walking down FR 152 from the Dry Creek Vista parking area you'll be choked with dust created by all the jeep tours.